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"Digital Detox" Summertime

Being outside in the summer and letting your soul dangle - do you do that too? The vacation time is important, even if you don't go away at all, interrupting your routine and not continuing to work every day as before, helps to recharge your batteries.

In the creative process there is the very important part of the break - after you have collected a lot of information on a topic, examined different perspectives on a customer request, tried and tested various technical possibilities - you need a time to distance yourself from all previous experiences.

This is not only described in the literature on creativity, it also corresponds completely to my experience as a designer and seminar leader for creativity training. Regardless of whether I need new ideas for my own assignments or support others in developing their personal ideas - this break is needed in every creative process. Distance, take a new look from afar and come to rest so that the brain can switch new synapses - Of course, constantly finding new solutions is a neurological process and a high-performance intellectual sport. Solutions at work as well as at home - in the family or in a team in a department.

So today I am meeting with some participants in Maria Kirchental to experience a break from everyday life just like that. We will meditate and draw and thus strengthen the distance from the usual routine. Because therein lies new strength and enables you to recharge your batteries at home.

A time of switching off works better with switched off communication devices. It doesn't matter whether it's a mobile phone or a laptop - what isn't needed in the here and now stays out. Internet is far away, everyday life is left at home, breath, silence, value-free perception and seeing count here and now. First see then draw. So "digital detox"!

This bench is in Maria Kirchental - written words are: just do nothing!

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