Anyone looking for the words "meditative drawing" on the Internet may come across the descriptions of Zentangle. This is a very effective way to switch off, focus and concentrate on drawing, especially drawing mandalas or linear patterns. Sometimes it is also encouraged to paint in the resulting line images. Monochrome, linear or colored is both a good concentration exercise and, above all, it is drawn "in front of you" completely independently of the surroundings.
The free meditative drawing in my courses is about another level of perception. We see And again we take a closer look. First we perceive what is around us. And feel ourselves in it. Completely neutral and completely open, noises come into us and we let them go again. We see the landscape around us or a single blossom in front of us and just look. As you breathe and see, the lines that reflect what you have seen flow onto the paper. Blossoms or mountains, the trees in front of us - this is how we perceive ourselves in relation to our surroundings. That is mindfulness and meditation. Value-free perception and focused drawing. We draw monochrome linearly in order not to be distracted by the effects of colors.
So there are parallels between the two methods.
Free meditative drawing is always related to the environment. Seeing follows silence meditation. And drawing only follows after seeing. Sitting motionless and silent meditation promotes value-free perception and very deep relaxation. This mood moves our seeing and drawing afterwards. The times for drawing are about as long as those for silent meditation and both alternate again and again during the courses. Through these changes, we intensify the state of rest in the brain and can perceive subtleties very precisely - in and around us. Cordial invitation! Whether online for practicing from home and yet in community with others or with one-day or even multi-day courses - it is always mindfulness and time for yourself. Withdrawal from everyday life and relaxation give you new strength.